Musicians and artists who have played in the Ether Ship electronic music ensemble include:
Willard Van De Bogart - Organ, voice, Synthi AKS synthesizer
Lemon DeGeorge - Harmonica, echoplex
Tom McVeety - Electric Cello
Z'ev - Catacoustic Percussionist
Will Jackson - Guitar, Serge Synthsizer
Liz Bryant - Vocals
Dave Korman - Electric bass
Selwin Lisak - Drums
Larry Lauterborn - Phtotographer
Walter Steding - Violin
Bob McNulty - Flute
Henry Niese - Artist
Gary Schroder - Video synthesizer
The Ether Ship is a fictional space ship that uses sounds and lights to navigate in a created universe composed of electronic sound scapes, and the muscians who perform on the Ether Ship create moods with the use of color and sound. At the helm of the Ether Ship is Captain Van Flight who guides the mock great universe cruiser "Star Ship Ether Ship" back to Earth to usher in a new time of peace and evolutionary advancement for the human race.
Click on Captain Van Flight to learn of his origins
Electronic music composition using color for notation.
The use of color in the electronic performaces was aided by laser light displays and color projection systems. The following images represent a music score showing how colors were used when specific instrumentation was included in the performance.
Click on images for larger view.
Stage setting:
The stage sets used for the Ether Ship Electronic Music Ensemble were designed to give the illusion of a space ship in flight. Enclosed are several photos taken at various concert locations.
Forty years of piloting the Ether Ship:
Click on image for larger view
From the beginning design and construction stages of the Ether Ship in the early 70's to today in the year 2010 the Ether Ship has been a way to explore new metaphors of consciousness. Many of the ideas which were thought about forty years ago are today a reality with an International Space Station recently completed and the ending of the great year on December 21, 2012. The internet did not exist in 1970 and now it is common place for people all over the earth to share their ideas.
The Ether Ship is entering a new era of virtual participation and collaboration and it will not be long before we are synthesizing the music from many other sound spaces and indigenous muscians from around the globe wanting to express themselves as we enter a transformative era leading up to and after 2012. The psychic energy on earth is increasing and ideas and innovation are taking place at an exponential rate that will reach a singularity point whereby an entirely new paradigm of social consciousness will take place.
All of us on the 21st century virtual Ether Ship welcome new crew members to share their music and art work so we can present a collaborative art form for the future. Please submit your music and art and we will create a new armada of creative concsiousness to mirror our times and prepare for an entirely new future.
The Ether Ship has renamed its group to Ether Ship Synchrotronic Music and we have placed a recent compialation of our music and visuals on YouTube:
Or play: Synchrotronic Sounds from Black Hole
iPAD Synthesizers
Currently several iPAD synthesizers are being explored for their real time performance capabilities. The three main synthesizers for the iPAD currently being used in the Ether Ship are:
1. Animoog
2. Sunrizer Synth
3. Alchemy Mobile
iPAD synthesizers used less frequently are:
1. Sylo Synth
2. 76 Synthesizer
3. Core Synth HD
Willard playing iPAD Synthesizer - Dec 29, 2011
Willard Van De Bogart - AKA Captain Van Flight
Contact: Willard Van De Bogart