The name, Ether Ship, was based on the book: "Cosmic Pulse of Life" by Trevor James Constable of San Pedro, CA, 1976. The Ether Ship, on the physical plane, was a musical group which was composed of five to eight musicians.
The Ether Ship, as a musical group, sought to create a state of mind, whereby a free association of ideas could be experienced as a result of variations in tonal structures as well as laser light patterns which were projected through rotating crystals.
The ideas sought after were those that produced an inner dialogue with feelings and thought.
It was the goal of the Ether Ship to produce harmonies of sound and light which could exist independently within the human experiential framework. By allowing the mind to free itself from the need to define the experience objectively, the sound and light would then aid the individual's mind to participate in its own transpersonal expression. The Ether Ship, therefore, attempted to create a new space for the mind to experience itself.
The Ether Ship was formerly called the Electric Synphony from 1972-1976. In August of 1979 the Ether Ship, as a live performing group, was dissolved. In January of 1980 Ether Ship Productions was established as a record production company. On May 17th, 1982, a contract was signed with the artist Pauline Anna Strom to produce tapes and records of her music. Willard Van de Bogart was the executive producer for this production. The manufacturer was Arkay Records of San Jose, CA, Catalog No. AR3289, 1982 Ether Ship Records. The recording was done at the Crib Studios in San Francisco, and managed by the sound engineer, Michael"Lemon"DeGeorge.
In 1994 the Ether Ship was re-established as a virtual Ether Ship in cyberspace after 15 years of being suspended in the 4th dimension. A discussion of this new virtual Ether Ship can be found in the ships log.
A complete portfolio of 35mm slides, photographs, notes, & brochures exists for all the activities of both the Electric Synphony and the Ether Ship while on the physical plane.
Originals located at the Lemon DeGeorge Productions
735 11th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 751-2412, Michael "Lemon" DeGeorge, Owner.
Photo: Intergalactic Communicator, built by:
Michael "Lemon" DeGeorge
"Lemon" DeGeorge has recently done the sound track for the award winning film Genghis Blues where he escorted the San Francisco blind blues muscian, Paul Pena, to the county of TUVA, in the Stepps of Russia in outer Mongolia. Congratulations to "Lemon".
"Lemon" is also a musican in the band "Neither Neither World"
There are many other tapes from sessions with the Electric Synphonyas well as the Ether Ship which give a good documentation of the tonal structures which were explored during this period.