The photograph above was taken on November 3, 1976. It was the first voyage of the Ether Ship in California commemorating the 25th anniversay of Arts Embassy in a concert for the New Age located at the Esalen Institue's International Student Center in San Francisco. At the controls is Captain Van Flight (Willard Van De Bogart). This was one of the first physical appearances of the Great Universe Cruiser in the Bay area before it returned back to the 4th Dimension in July of 1979. The Ether Ship has returned again to the Earth Plane in virtual space through the Earth Portals web site.
The utilization of the combined harmonics of sound and light was the energy source for the transporting of the Great Univere Cruiser Star Ship "Ether Ship" accross the vast distances of the universe. How this space ship came to the Earth plane has been an on going occurance since 1681.
Bainbridge Bishop Color Organs 1880
The ability for the Central Civilation to enter the Earth and leave it has been done though various individuals. The Jesuit mathematician Louis-Bertrand Castel (1688-1757) constructed a devise where the keys of an organ operated hammers to make strings vibrate, and regulated the appearance of transparent colored bands.
In America, around 1880, Bainbridge Bishop constructed an instrument which formed part of an organ and projected combinations of color upon a small screen. Bishop was under the influence of the work of Chevreul and Field, and was aiming at a simultaneity between music and color. At the end of the nineteenth century, several works on the subject of color music were published. Alexander Wallace Rimington (1854-1918) gave public displays of the color organ which he had constructed, and published "Colour Music, the art of mobile colour" in 1911. Madame Helena Petrova Blatvatsky publshed the "Secret Doctrine" in 1888.
In 1911 Scriabin performed "Poem of Fire" (Prometheus) in Moscow. The Russian composer had taken the remarable step of introducing a "light keyboard" or "Tastiera per luce" into his score, so that the various modulations of his symphonic poem could be accompanied by changing nuances of color. Scriabin's last work, "The Mystery", remained incomplete at the time of his premature death in 1915. It was this piece which was to reveal more from the Central Civilization.
In 1947 many entries into the Earth Plane were made to assit the human race. It was in 1944 that Captain Van Flight was first influenced to resume the instructions from the Central Civilization. The Ether Ship was equipped with high powered argon lasers modulated via quartz crystals from the Mountains located between Spain and France. Communication had taken place in 1211 with many of members of the Central Civilization who were living on Earth at that time. The Ether Ship is about to send another signal to the human race.
Finally Dane Rudyar published The Art and Music of tone in ......and in Germany Karheinz Stokhausen publisehd . I met Dane and presented to him all the sounds the Ether Ship had recorded. Dr Oliver L. Reiser published Cosmic Humanism in 1966 and was very influencial in the philosophical impetus behind the sounds of The Ether Ship.