World Spiritual Foundation Newsletter

WSF Newsletter Vol 1, NO. 1. Spring 1999

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to the Universal Life Force, God. This may be a difficult concept for many to understand but if we put some thought to it then it becomes more obvious to us. God created man in his likeness and image and it follows then that he would have also insured that we all have the potential to seek and attain for ourselves that enlightenment which is our right by birth. Enlightenment has been described in many different ways but the description that is meaningful to me is that which states that enlightenment is gained through an inward and outward awakening of one’s spiritual self such that one sees all as perfect in the Universe at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. This awakening of the spiritual self can be gained by many different meditative techniques which require varying levels of efforts. The technique we are all familiar with is Vibrant Charismatic Meditation(VCM). Naturally, I would like to focus on VCM because it allows the awakening process to occur in an effortless manner without many of the traditional man-introduced preparative steps.

The VCM approach allows tapping into the Universal Energy field directly with the simplest of instructions. More importantly, it is spontaneous and refreshing and allows close communion with and guidance from the Universal Life Force, God. It allows us to receive the grace of God Almighty directly from the highest source and release of bad karmas and heaviness as part of the cleansing process . Hence, it sows the seeds for our ongoing spiritual awareness and growth. It also allows us to blend our daily work and family activities with the god reality consciousness we have developed. This balance is so important to us if we are all to succeed in not only our individual professions or business enterprises but also fulfill our purpose on earth, at the spiritual level, which is our ultimate assignment by God's will. Our physical and spiritual life may not be at odds to each other but indeed can co-exist with one another.

VCM, the meditative process, creates a new reality for all of us on earth and allows full harmonization with the Universal Life Force, God. By continuing with VCM, we affirm our spiritual awareness through our meditation sessions and in so doing reinforce our God reality at a personal level which nutures the body, mind and spirit to good health.

How does VCM create a new reality for us? I would like to share a sample of my personal experiences that should give you some indication of the type of experiences that one may experience once on the path of spiritual awareness. The first, is the consistent series of coincidences that continue to occur in my daily routine especially in my work routines. I have found in many cases, business associates whom I need to meet by a certain time frame either drop by at my office or happen to call me just when I need to talk to them as though this was part of a grand plan to get my work done for me. I have met associates in lifts, planes, and trains when I needed to most meet someone for a good reason associated with either resolution of an issue or to get work done. How nice! An angelic presence that constantly looks after us in our daily routines. Secondly, all of us experience panic when things do not progress the way we would like it to. Here again God Almighty works in mysterious ways but always comes to our rescue, sometimes only at the very last minute, provided we have faith! One must always have faith to the very end, literally to the last minute, when suddenly things will and can begin to work to our expectations. This experience of anxiety is part of the -test- in faith we all must go through and should also be considered as part of our own personal development cycle. There will be many difficult -tests- one will go through and these are meant for one's own character and spiritual development. Many forget the latter and take these as lessons in life of character building that should never be repeated again. One lesson learnt for me is that we should use these opportunities to develop spiritually, as well, by focusing at the spiritual level to seek for inspiration and guidance to resolve difficult problems and issues. Guidance may come in various forms such as extra help, a resource or even a thought during dream state with the key to solving a problem. VCM also re-focuses our life in the direction which is best for us, and in some cases this re-direction can be a complete change in lifestyle. Some of us are ready to go through a complete recycle but others may elect to adopt a slower pace of change. Both are equally acceptable and the choice is a personal one but it is essential that we continue to grow in spiritual awareness as this is the path forward for our soul's journey on this earth and beyond. Another experience is that our daily life may get difficult, with many obstacles in our path to spiritual awareness, before it gets better. One may be thrown into an activity which is full of pitfalls and with no light at the end of the tunnel. This is a case of a test on our strength of character and faith, both at the working level and at the spiritual level, and when we get over these type experiences there is great reward and joy.

Looking towards the future, persistent practice with VCM insures that we stay on the path of spiritual awareness and continue to expand our knowledge with the experiences gained. Give your emerging awareness a chance to blossom and develop using the forces of creative energy and guidance of God Almighty through VCM. The scriptures say that we have the ability to create every aspect of our life on this earth and prepare for the life beyond and I wish you all the very best for your onward journey.

Best of wishes for the Christmas and New Year season. May God bless you all.

Looking at the way forward

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