Thailand - 2007 in Nakhon Sawan

Journal Entries

January 2, 2007 - San Francisco, California

A new year has begun, and after three months in the United States I am planning on returning to SE Asia. Coming up is the 3rd Annual CAMTESOL conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Feb 24-25 where I will be presenting my paper on "Teaching Conversational English to Students learning English as a Second Language". I am also writing a new paper on Knowledge Enhancement, and have been referencing the new book "Revolutionary Wealth" by Alvin and Heidi Toffler, and an old web site from Indiana University: Hypertext and Knowledge Enhancement -

January 10, 2007 - Santa Rosa, California

There is a wave of discontent sweeping over America. It is building up in all sectors of the society. One person who is very out spoken is Keith Olbermann and his comments are being broadcast on YouTube. Here is a link to one of his latests Special comments made on Jan 2nd: Keith Olbermann - Special Comment

January 20, 2007 - Santa Rosa, California

The war on Iraq goes on unabated. More troops are being sent under the code name of "Surge". Today a Black Hawk helicopter with 13 men was shot down in Iraq. What is going on? Who do we listen to for answers? Michel Chossudovsky from Ottawa, Canada has developed the Centre for Research on Globalization called Global Apparently, not enough people in this world have become informed to the extent that they would stop the curtailmant of basic freedoms which all humans should enjoy. Bill Moyers' Speech - Presented at the 3rd National Conference of Media Reform explains the predicament the United Staes finds intself in. This speech is worth reading.

February 26, 2007 - Santa Rosa, California

A little over a month has gone by and the atrocities continue in Iraq. For me I have tried to bring myself up to speed on trying to understand the aftermath of 9/11. I have recently finished Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival and the portrayal of the tactics used by the United States to achieve world domination is a very sordid reality. The web site American Empire Project clearly reveals all the insights into how the United State's present policies are set in motion to try and achive this imperial strategy. However, the most recent book by Chalmers Johnson titled "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic" elucidates how this imperial strategy will bring about the collapse of the United States.

I am returning to Thailand on March 12th to resume my teaching, and I will be bringing back with me many CD's for use in a course I hope to develop on Diplomatic English.

Thirty years ago I used to play electronic synthesizer in a group called the Ether Ship

On Chinese New Years in San Francisco a thirty year re-union took place where myself, Will Jackson, Michael "Lemom" DeGeorge and Larry Lauterborn came together for a unique sound and video recording session in Lemon's sound recording studio on Andover Street in San Francisco. We had a most memorable time exchanging our ideas on where we find our selves today verses where we were in the Haight Asbury in 1978 when we had a studio on Waller street. We were able to create the same kinds of sounds we did thirty years ago bridging all that time in a few hours of music making. Larry is now an accomplished wedding photographer in San Francisco, and he photographed and video taped our sessions of which we have made into a DVD. Will Jackson is a successful author having publised two novels which can be seen on his personal blog

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Willard Van De Bogart, William Jackson, Michael"Lemon"DeGeorge, Larry Lauterborn

Also during this last month the completion of the South East Asian Review was designed for Dr. Sahai in Bihar, India and I was asked to place my article on the Holy Land of Kuruksetra in the Review.

March 15, 2007 - Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

The six months spent in the United States was very rewarding. I was able to teach at Dominican University in San Rafael, California at the ELS Language Center. A great deal of research was done at ELS and I was able to bring back to Thailand many of the lessons learned at this organization.

I began teaching again at Rajabhat University all through 2007.

On-line Journal - 2001
On-line Journal - 2002
On-line Journal - 2003
On-line Journal - 2004
On-line Journal - 2005
On-line Journal - 2006
On-line Journal - 2008
On-line Journal- 2009
On-line Journal- 2010

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