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"If it's true, it's clearly one of the most exciting scientific discoveries ever made," says astronomer Michael Drake of the announcement of the discovery of life on Mars made by scientists from NASA and three universities. Other scientists affirm that it may be the most spectacular discovery since humans started gazing skyward at other worlds. While Carl Sagan remained skeptical and Daniel Goldin, NASA administrator declared " I want everyone to understand that we are not talking about 'little green men,'" the news that scientists had determined that a "primitive form of life" had existed on Mars was the front page news of USA Today and virtually every other newspaper in the United States, August 7, 1996.

Why all the excitement? The "discovery" was made from some Martian rocks found in Antarctica in 1984. The rocks were from a meteorite, since called Alan Hills 84001, bearing material from Mars anywhere from several million years to 4.5 billion years old. The meteor itself hit Earth only 13,000 years ago. The announcement was so staggering to the prevailing 12:60 scientific paradigm that special briefings were being prepared for President Clinton and Vice President Gore. The findings will be officially released August 16, 1996. That is the ninth anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence. That is as good a date as any to dissolve one paradigm and affirm another.

Ever since it began, hard core 12:60 materialist science has held as one of its tenets that life is a random accident that happened to occur on this planet, and that the possibility of life elsewhere was virtually unthinkable. But if the definition of life is something that can be recognized and verified as a unitary phenomenon, i.e. DNA, then the real thriller to consider is not life out there, but our life on previous worlds.

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The announcement of August 7, 1996 (that's Friday the 13th day of the Magnetic Moon of the new Thirteen Moon Calendar) is just the tiniest tip of the Antarctic iceberg of NASA's information bank, and the human race's fascination with life on Mars. Is NASA merely building up to something more major by letting this little cat out of the bag? Remember the Arnold Schwarzenegger film, "Total Recall?" Hauntingly familiar memories of the last destructive days of the "Red Planet" are the terrifying theme of that film. Why would that movie strike such a chord if there were not some truth to it?

On July 25,1976, that's Green Day, the Day-Out-of-Time on the Thirteen Moon Calendar, the NASA Viking Probe sent back photos of a phenomenon since known as the "Face of Mars." Of course, NASA won't admit that the "Face" is anything more than random shadows on rocks. If DNA is unitary, and a form of DNA has been verified on other rocks from Mars, then the Face of Mars is the keystone to the total recall of our life not only on this world, but on other worlds as well. It is the implications of this assumption by which the entire 12:60 paradigm can be irrevocably unraveled, and that is why "Life on Mars" is front page news.


The crux of the scientific discovery at this point in NASA's waiting game, is not a face looking outward for some recognition from the surface of Mars, but meteoric rock that hit this planet 13,000 years ago, only to be discovered in 1984 in Antarctica. 13,000 years ago was the end of the last ice age and the beginning of the warming 'trough" that allowed homo sapiens to start its course toward agriculture, and civilization as we now know it. According to the cosmology of the Dreamspell, that was the end of the 13,000-year Dragon Genesis and the beginning of the 7,800 year "lost" Monkey Genesis.

On April 21, 1984, the same year that the meteoric material from Mars was discovered in Antarctica, José Argüelles, initiator of the Harmonic Convergence completed a "time map" entitled "Red Planet, Blue Planet: Red Alert." Though he did not then know of the 1984 discovery, Argüelles did know of the July 25, 1976, photo recall of the Face of Mars. It was the Face of Mars that triggered Argüelles' "time map" showing the cosmic connection between the Red Planet Mars and the Blue Planet Earth. The script for this "time map" begins with the following text:

"At point of vital reversal, nuclear war devastates Red Planet, disturbing geomagnetic field, thus attracting coincidentally approaching comet/meteor shower to disastrously side-swipe planet, thus assuring end of all life on the Red Planet. Time: .5 to 3.3 million years ago."
Argüelles' 1984 script describes the comet that side-swiped Mars continuing its erratic course, finally to be "deposited on Blue Planet as meteor shower impacting on Pacific Ocean." And we might now add, Antarctica.

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In the "Red Planet, Blue Planet" script, the Red Alert is a deja vu, an evolutionary directive...

"revealing binary planet memory hook-up thus illustrating Law of Radiozoic Progression: Tendency of life forms to proceed toward radial program structure following maximum schizophrenic complexification of bilateral specialization. This turning point, known as the vital reversal, triggered through nuclear experimentation which introduces steady background radiation as new component of planet atmosphere."
In other words, since DNA is a unitary 64-unit cosmic code, what had occurred to and through the DNA process on one planet would continue on an adjacent planet, also seeded by the same DNA code. As the DNA evolving within the planetary whole arrives at a stage of self-reflective intelligence, it also evolves a psi field or self-reflective memory bank. It is the self-reflective activation of the psi field following the point of vital reversal that advances life to its radial program. This possibility was short-circuited in the self-destruction of Martian life. However, the "Red Planet, Blue Planet" script continues:

"As psi field of Red Planet disintegrates, highly concentrated thought forms, perhaps encoded as laser beams are transmitted to the next closest planet body, the Blue Planet, where they impregnate Blue Planet's still embryonic psi bank as galactic memory nodes and crystal body directives."

"Galactic memory nodes" of the Red Planet imprinted into the psi bank of the Blue Planet were activated when the Italian astronomer, Schiaparelli, looked at Mars through his telescope and, besides finding the famous "canals" of Mars, distinguished the Red Planet's more prominent features with archetypal names: Atlantis, Lemuria, Utopia, Elysium, Cydonia and Mt. Olympus. As for the "crystal body directives," the crystal body refers to the fifth-dimensional pure mind form of any constituent of phenomenal reality. Pyramids, mandalas, time tunnels of spiritual emergence, the structure of bilateral intelligence--all of these would qualify as communicative forms of the "crystal body directives."

In Argüelles' "time map," the Blue Planet crossed the Martian "line of vital reversal" in 1945. For this reason in the radiozoic dating, Hiroshima = 0 point, and Argüelles' "time map" bears the actual date "4.21 38 AH, 'The Harrowing of Hell.'" While 38 AH refers to 38 years After Hiroshima, the "Harrowing of Hell" refers to the prophecy of the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, of which the ninth and last 52-year Hell Cycle began in 1935, and was due to end with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. According to the "time map," Hiroshima initiated a point of "resonant recapitulation," which is climaxed with the "point of no return," 1986-87.

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As evidence of resonant recapitulation, the "time map" offers an obvious example of "binary memory hook-up :" "The Face of Mars" and Isamu Noguchi's "Sculpture to be Seen from Mars." Noguchi's proposed sculpture, which had it been completed, would have been of the same dimensions as the Face of Mars, was conceived in the year 1947, (2 AH). 29 years prior to the Viking probe, Noguchi's sculptural reminiscence of the Face of Mars early in the 42-year zone of the "radiozoic grace period," is sufficient evidence of resonant recapitulation. Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Total Recall" is another.

It is following the point of no return in 1987, that the radiozoic era triggers the Red Alert through a type of "jump start." This "jump start" into the radiozoic era was the Harmonic Convergence, August 16-17, 1987. On the 260-kin Galactic Spin , the radiozoic zero-point date of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 is Blue Electric Eagle. The fact that August 16, 1987 is also Blue Electric Eagle is the reason for the "jump start" into the radiozoic era at this precise point in time.

The Harmonic Convergence was the "jump start" to overcome total amnesia and avoid the Mars effect occurring again on the Blue Planet. The mythic remnant of the 144,000 did heed the call. But following the Harrowing of the Nine Hells between 1519 and 1987, came the summons to Judgment Day.


"Certainly, the creation of the Heavens and the Earth is greater than the creation of mankind: but most men know not."
Holy Qur'an, Sura 40:57

The date of Argüelles' "Red Planet, Blue Planet: Red Alert," 4.21, 38 AH, on the Galactic Spin, was Blue Cosmic Night. July 25, 1993, the Day-Out-of Time of the Blue Cosmic Storm year, the beginning of the "time shift," was also Blue Cosmic Night. Seventeen years to the day of the Viking probe photo of the Face of Mars, Argüelles was tagged again. A type of resonant recapitulation text, "De Tulan el Lejano," ("From Distant Tollan") was placed in his hands. By opening this text the next morning, Kin 144, Yellow Magnetic Seed, head technician Argüelles was placed directly on line to decode, and have revealed to him, a prophecy called "Telektonon, Earth Spirit Speaking Tube."

Five weeks later, on August 25, 1993, after intensive decoding and "time mapping," Argüelles asked his wife, Lloydine, to take him out for a ride. It was the first time in five weeks that he had left his remote Hawaiian work station. Looking up from the Oracle for the First Year of Prophecy Argüelles remarked to his wife, "this Martian thing is up this year." Sure enough, stepping out of the car at a small shopping mall was the front page head-line, "Mars Observer Lost Forever."

According to the report, on August 24, 1993, after its lengthy journey from the Blue Planet to the Red Planet, the NASA Mars Observer experienced an "unexplained" technical failure at the precise moment it was to begin taking photos of undisclosed surface features of Mars. The odds are that the Mars Observer was sent to verify, among other things, the Face and Pyramids of Mars. "Lost forever," was NASA's lame response. So obvious was NASA's "bungled" effort a potential cover-up, that the incident became an immediate storm of controversy.

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On the Dreamspell Calendar, August 24, 1993, was the day Red Self-Existing Skywalker. That is President Bill Clinton's galactic signature. Skywalker represents the solar-prophetic power of the planet Mars, the power of prophecy. Where was Bill Clinton that day? On Jackie Kennedy Onassis' yacht. The galactic signature of Jackie Onassis is White Self-Existing World-Bridger, the perfect analog partner of Red Self-Existing Skywalker. The World-Bridger represents the galactic-karmic power of the planet Mars, the power of death. Within a year of that meeting, Jackie died of cancer. And some two years later all of the Kennedy memorabilia were being sold in an auction that was touted as the "Selling of Camelot." Was Camelot sold because Mars was covered up? And Bill Clinton, what is to become of him?

According to the prophecy Telektonon, it is Judgment Day on planet Earth. It is not a Christian apocalypse, but a Mayan apocalypse, a Harmonic Convergence of all prophecy. In the Mayan apocalypse, Judgment Day is the test of total recall. Humanity causes Judgment Day because it has chosen a path of separation from the rest of the biosphere. By living its own time, the artificial time of the 12:60, humanity has intensified its amnesia and accelerated its growth at machine rates, while systematically depleting and destroying its biospheric support web, all for a paltry profit.

The revelation of humanity's self-judgment and salvation is knowledge of its error as well as the means of its correction. Knowledge of the error constitutes the revelation of the 12:60 artificial timing frequency. Originated in Babylon and institutionalized through the Gregorian calendar and mechanical clock, the 12:60 is the accepted basis of all of human endeavor in what is called the modern world. Time is money, but at what price?

The sum result of the 12:60 is the unconscious Martian replay: the creation of a "maximum schizophrenic complexification of bilateral specialization." The unstable mental condition of specialized labor places humanity at odds with itself and nature through a paralyzingly regimented society whose horizons are limited to the wage-slave concept of jobs. Reinforced by machine values, the condition of schizophrenic complexification induces the turning point or vital reversal of nuclear experimentation. Historically this was coincident with World War II, AD 1939-1945.

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So morally self-alienated had humanity become that instead of learning from the immediate horror of its actions, tens of thousands of more bombs more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, and still are being manufactured. Five governments officially hold the nuclear sword, while unofficial terrorism maintains the other side of the balance by keeping humanity hostage to its own fear. This is the real politics of humanity on Judgment Day.

Riding the dark edge of a wave of Martian amnesia, the only salvation possible for humanity is to wake up and return to the true laws of time which govern the rest of the biosphere. The Telektonon prophecy of Pacal Votan makes clear that only by rejecting the false twelve-month Gregorian calendar and adopting the biologically accurate Thirteen Moon calendar will humanity be able to attain Martian recall, and just in time. This is a radical step. To reject the current calendar is to reject the entire institutionalized price-tag reality of civilization as it is today. Every human law ruling the world today is embedded in the Gregorian Calendar. The very concepts of legislative law, government, taxation, wages, and war are inseparable from the false calendar since its genesis in Babylon. The elimination of the Gregorian calendar is the Mayan apocalypse of history.

"But especially would I have you look at Mars and consider again the disposition of the thirteen sacred signs placed around the edge of my stone..."
Telektonon of Pacal Votan, verse 113

August 7, 1996, the day when life on Mars was headline news, was the day Blue Electric Monkey, a Galactic Activation Portal and one of the "thirteen sacred signs" on the tomb-lid of Pacal Votan. Within the Telektonon Warrior's Journey, this day was cube position seven, Baktun Thirteen, 1618-2012, "Babylon Planet." Chafing under the yoke of the secret imperial councils of the G-7, a last-minute reprieve and the potential of total recall are now offered to President Clinton, the Martian Skywalker, the last to inherit the false legacy of Babylonian time.

"And We created not the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is between them, in sport,"

"We created them not but with the requirements of truth and justice, but most of them understand not."

"Verily the Day of Decision is the appointed time for all of them"

Holy Qur'an, Sura 44:38-40

So morally self-alienated had humanity become that instead of learning from the immediate horror of its actions, tens of thousands of more bombs more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, and still are being manufactured. Five governments officially hold the nuclear sword, while unofficial terrorism maintains the other side of the balance by keeping humanity hostage to its own fear. This is the real politics of humanity on Judgment Day.

Riding the dark edge of a wave of Martian amnesia, the only salvation possible for humanity is to wake up and return to the true laws of time which govern the rest of the biosphere. The Telektonon prophecy of Pacal Votan makes clear that only by rejecting the false twelve-month Gregorian calendar and adopting the biologically accurate Thirteen Moon calendar will humanity be able to attain Martian recall, and just in time. This is a radical step. To reject the current calendar is to reject the entire institutionalized price-tag reality of civilization as it is today. Every human law ruling the world today is embedded in the Gregorian Calendar. The very concepts of legislative law, government, taxation, wages, and war are inseparable from the false calendar since its genesis in Babylon. The elimination of the Gregorian calendar is the Mayan apocalypse of history.

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"But especially would I have you look at Mars and consider again the disposition of the thirteen sacred signs placed around the edge of my stone..."
Telektonon of Pacal Votan, verse 113

August 7, 1996, the day when life on Mars was headline news, was the day Blue Electric Monkey, a Galactic Activation Portal and one of the "thirteen sacred signs" on the tomb-lid of Pacal Votan. Within the Telektonon Warrior's Journey, this day was cube position seven, Baktun Thirteen, 1618-2012, "Babylon Planet." Chafing under the yoke of the secret imperial councils of the G-7, a last-minute reprieve and the potential of total recall are now offered to President Clinton, the Martian Skywalker, the last to inherit the false legacy of Babylonian time.

"And We created not the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is between them, in sport,"

"We created them not but with the requirements of truth and justice, but most of them understand not."

"Verily the Day of Decision is the appointed time for all of them"

Holy Qur'an, Sura 44:38-40

Just three days after the official publication of the evidence of life on Mars, it will be Bill Clinton's 50th birthday. That is August 19, the day Blue Lunar Night. In the Telektonon, Night, the Galactic Karmic power of Saturn, represents the G-7, the final form of Babylonian apocalyptic power. The G-7, "group of seven most industrialized nations," is the Beast of Seven Heads in chapter thirteen of the "Book of Revelations." The lunar tone represents both the power to polarize and the lunar power of the thirteen moons. As long as Saturn is controlled by the G-7 it is the planet that holds Mars in check and is responsible for its destruction. Saturn G-7's next object of destruction is the Blue Planet.

Given all that he knows, from Jackie Onassis' secret tips to the carefully managed Martian evidence, Bill Clinton's 50th year, Blue Lunar Night is his Day of Decision. The stakes are as high as they have been since the destruction of Mars. Once President Clinton has this final Martian evidence in his hands then it will be his to decide: to save his soul and split the G-7, or... "to Allah is the final return of all."

Yes, the release of the Martian evidence is carefully timed, not by the secret councils of generals, bankers and munitions manufacturers, but by Allah, the supreme Knower of all that is hidden and all that is revealed. Why is the Martian evidence so terrifying to those in power? Because evidence of our life on other worlds raises too many questions? What happened to our life on that world? Are we doing something wrong? Have we persisted in doing wrong despite all the signs? How will we be punished?

The Hale-Bopp Comet is scheduled to fly by the Blue Planet by the end of this or early next Gregorian year-all in the middle of the Fourth Year of Prophecy, Blue Self- Existing Storm. Sound familiar? Was this the comet or meteor that originally brought Martian material to the Blue Planet? What might it sweep up in its tail this time to leave deposited on some other world, as yet another reminder that Judgment Day cannot be postponed forever? Yes, it is Judgment Day, and Mars is calling: won't somebody please answer the call?

HARMONIC CONVERGENCE: NINTH ANNIVERSARY PROCLAMATION July 25, AD 1996, White Electric Mirror. It is the Day-Out-of-Time again, 20 years to the day when the Mars Viking probe took the fateful photo of the Face of Mars. All over Mexico City, the Blue Planet's largest metropolis, cryptic signs and billboards announce "July 25, Independence Day," beneath which the image of a vast UFO mother ship ominously protrudes from outer space.

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Elsewhere that day, beneath the smoggy skies and brooding volcanoes of the great city, a group of 300 people, in honor of the Day-Out-of-Time, gather for a concert of planetary music that completes a Congress entitled "The Harmonic Convergence of Humanity." Including the Islamic call to prayer, and a range of musical expressions from Persian flute and vocals, to Spanish flamenco, Japanese koto and shakuhachi, and Brazilian Capoeira, as well as piano and symphonic performances, the concert is the creation of Tynetta Muhammad, widow of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and "Mother of the Faithful" of the Nation of Islam. The brilliance of the performances woven together as a whole demonstrate the principle of peace through culture.

The next day, the Harmonic Convergence of Humanity becomes an historically unprecedented ceremony that walks the length of the nearby ancient metropolis of Teotihuacan, Place where the Gods Touch the Earth. At its conclusion in the spectacular Citadel of Quetzalcoatl, amid banners of peace, and rainbow and Earth flags, Messengers of the New Time, Lloydine and José Argüelles proclaim the First World Peace. "There is a new community on planet Earth, the Community of Biospheric Rights" José Argüelles affirms. "This is the community that is peace and that will carry out the four years of the First World Peace, 1996 to 2000."

The Harmonic Convergence of Humanity is the first follow-up gathering of the New Human Community, which established itself at the First Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights, earlier this same Gregorian year, during the Solar Moon of the Third Year of Prophecy in Brasilia, Brazil (March 17-21, 1996). The purpose of the Congress is simple and logical. To create the New Covenant and Resolutions in accord with the Thirteen Moon Calendar to replace the old covenant and all of the institutions embedded in the Gregorian Calendar. Interestingly enough, on March 7, ten days prior to the Congress, there is intense "UFO activity" over the hacienda of Jose Fraga, also in Brasilia. The UFO activity leaves a crop-circle style imprint on Fraga's lawn, and a telepathic message to pay attention to the upcoming Congress of Biospheric Rights.

The crop circle on Fraga's lawn looks exactly like a circle drawn around a map of the "Four Corners," United States, where the artificial state lines of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico form the cross within the circle. The Four Corners is precisely where Messengers José and Lloydine Argüelles gather with a group of 600 others in the predawn of Crystal Moon 28, 13:13, June 26, 1996, for the Four Corners Boundary Dissolving Ceremony. The same flags and banners of peace that flew in Brasilia, and that were to later fly at Teotihuacan, replace the state and national flags usually flown over Four Corners. The Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement is on the march. In Argüelles' words, this Movement is the "new human community of the next millennium."

Yes, the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and the New Covenant and Resolutions of the First Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights are the direct fulfillment of the Harmonic Convergence of August 16-17, 1987. Now, nine years later, there is no other Movement or Peace Plan as comprehensive and harmonically convergent as that offered by the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. This Movement is the only way back to total recall from the total amnesia of the "Tower of Babble."

August 16, 1996, Yellow Crystal Sun, the 22nd day of the Magnetic Moon, the completion of the first Warrior Cube Journey of the Fourth Year of Prophecy, "Victory Establishes," will witness the official announcement of the "scientific discovery of life on Mars" and the following Ninth Anniversary Proclamation of Harmonic Convergence, "Point of No Return: the Scientific Recovery of Life on Earth."

Point of No Return: The Scientific Recovery of Life on Earth
Harmonic Convergence Ninth Anniversary Proclamation

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Nine Years, Nine Lords of Time, one year for each Lord of Time to prepare the great announcement and proclamation. "Yes: there is a scientific recovery of life on Earth. The scientific recovery of life on Earth is due to the scientific discovery of the false, artificial 12:60 timing frequency, and the resurrection of the true, naturally galactic 13:20 timing frequency. This scientific recovery is aroused by the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and takes the form of a Planet Art Network, the web of telepathy to replace the tomb of life called terrestrial civilization!"

Nine years ago, the Harmonic Convergence was called. 144,000 crossed the point of no return. This is the point where the curse of false time runs out of credit. No return to false time means: no return to government; no return to taxes; no return to money; no return to war; no return to drugs; no return to virtual reality; and no return to the false paradises of Hollywood Babylon. Nine years, nine lords of destiny who rule the power of time in the collective cosmic unconscious. Seven years to stir the brew of time. Two more years to prepare the return of true time to the collective cosmic consciousness.

Nine years at last to proclaim the triumph of true time, the power of thirteen! Nine years, Nine Lords of Destiny to return Earth to the Thirteen Moon 28-Day Calendar, humanity's natural biospheric timing regulator. Nine years to prepare the medicine to heal Earth of the dis-ease of human civilization. The medicine is ready for all: thirteen moons the path to walk; thirteen moons the path to talk; thirteen moons the path of the return of universal telepathy. No more twelve-month Martian amnesia, but thirteen moons for total recall on the telepathic human hot-line of awakened collective cosmic consciousness.

Four years more to establish the First World Peace: creative peace, real peace, genuine lasting universal peace, Harmonic Convergence as a way of life, total recall at last! The new human community of the next millennium restored to the garden! Life no longer lived as the degraded debt owed to the "company store." At last, everyone living their life as everyday art! Time is art.! Life as we live it is the ritual we are looking for. The biosphere is the divine plan. Reunion with the biosphere is the second creation.

The Nine Lords of Destiny are announcing among the angelic orders:

"Yes, there is life on Earth, after all. Earth is no longer a machine breeding humans driven daily through the labyrinthian halls of self-created hell. Released from the curse of not remembering its life on the Red Planet, the Blue Planet humans are redeemed. Satan is cast out! Recovery of life, recovery of truth, recovery of love. One family, one blood, one mind, one breath, one ocean, one Earth, one cosmic universal life. Biospheric freedom, galactic liberation, a planetary network of art secreted by a single organism, unified in its collective cosmic consciousness, harmonically converging with itself in truth, justice, and love, for seven generations to come!

"Congratulations to the members of the human race who can heed this proclamation! The new time is here. Telektonon has been pronounced and delivered. Your covenant and rights have been prepared. Assume your galactic identity now! The time of galactic culture, Heaven on Earth has arrived. The 52 Days of Victory are complete. Establish now the order of time is art. The Planet Art Network is the phoenix arising from the ashes of the wrong time. The blaze of victory is a light that arcs the planet from pole to pole. Yes! Yes! Yes! Life on Earth has been recovered. Victory establishes the fulfillment of all prophecy!"

Filed for the Arcturus Surveillance Team by PAN Agent 24,
Kin 216, Yellow Galactic Warrior
Magnetic Moon 18, Cube 12
Fourth Year of Prophecy,


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