Earth Portals' Web

Sites linking to Earth Portals

The internet has become the most significant technological innovation in the late 20th century. Millions of web sites are currently available on the World Wide Web. Global communication has taken on a new meaning. Now, everybody who can get to a computer can literally communicate with any other computer in the world. The mailing address is all you need.

The meaning that has been attributed to this new marvel of technology is a global sense of responsibility which will develop and foster right action to prevail on the Earth. If we begin to connect to one another expressing our feelings and interests then we can become a planetary race of aware and responsible humans. We need to make as many tools and ideas available to help lift the consciousness of the people on planet Earth.

I am deeply grateful to be able to participate in this technology and genuinely gratified to list those sites who have chosen to link to Earth Portals. Above all else this shows the process of global interconnectivity taking place.

I can only wish that we will all be able to bring about the appropriate changes to balance ourselves, and our ecosystem by using the internet.

Links to Earth Portals:

Spiritual, Consciousness, New Age

©1995-2001 Earth Portals
San Francisco, California

Lynx of the Week: 1/1/96 No.#1 web site Nov. 95