The start of a NEW MILLENNIUM is a momentous event of great significance.

We have an opportunity, like the new year, to begin anew. There are immense changes taking place in this time and I would like to suggest the possibility that not only do we each have the capability to pray, meditate and envision a new reality for ourselves and others, as indeed many groups have been doing for years, but that by doing so collectively and consciously, all over the planet as the new millennium begins, we could achieve a giant shift in consciousness.


We discover this as we work to free ourselves from confining, repressive, negative situations. It doesn't happen overnight, training the mind out of its negative patterns, but it is possible.

Equally we can, by focusing together,
Change our collective reality and create the new world we wish to live in.

Can we conceive of a world that is harmonious and in balance? Of a world where supremacy of any kind: male over female; white over black; youth over age; "civilized" over "third world", can simply cease to exist because it's not where the majority of people are, or how they think. Of a world where there is a spirit of goodwill, of neighborliness not just in our immediate community, but all over the planet?

Can we elect people to form government who truly speak and act for us? Right now governments can be well divorced from reality and how people are feeling. But in meditation we could imagine governments and people, who are not practicing 'politics', but who are reflecting all our individual needs and wishes.

Can we imagine a world where fear, suspicion, paranoia, jealousy, anger, aggression, hatred, pedophilia, wife beating, sexual abuse and assault, pride, arrogance, ignorance and stupidity have no place? Where children are raised in safe, gentle, nourishing environments, learning to be sure of their thought processes and emotions, able to express themselves, with parents who do not violate boundaries with psychological, mental or emotional abuse. Where they grow in an environment that gives equal weight to all members of the family, learning to take their place in the world through challenge, awareness, inner growth, mental development into maturity? Where they do not learn to put down others in order to feel better about themselves?

Can we conceive of a working world that is not at the expense of the family - long hours, making one partner the main care giver, or reliance on hired help to raise the family? Where marketing, consumerism, competition, and giant corporations have priority, with no thought of consequences to people, the atmosphere, the earth, and all living beings on the earth? How can we continue to allow this ruthless, blind activity that renders water undrinkable, nuclear waste and fallout, noxious, poisonous chemicals destroying the oceans and the fish, creating babies born as jelly, killing us, killing the natural world - usually in the name of research, of war, of pure material greed.

Look at the extraordinary distortion of sex and proliferation of sex magazines, movies and pornography; the hatred and lust for women that's gone on for centuries. Sexual abuse and pedophilia is no longer hidden - we know now its been endemic through generation upon generation upon generation. But it gets worse and worse, as minds get sicker and sicker. and now the civilized countries are exporting these wares and habits through movies to countries that have never known such poison and undermining cultures in a way that might was never able to do.

And can we imagine a world without wars? Without weapons. Who creates them? Who wants war? Who starts them? Can we see it as collective negativity in the consciousness erupting in pockets all over the planet? Can we live without war inside ourselves, inside our family, our community? This is our work - if we can achieve this: create a new, positive world for each one of us, billions and billions of us; then our planet will reflect the internal change we have each achieved. We have the tools and the abilities and the possibilities at this present time to do this for ourselves. I think we've largely done it; it's the outer world that has not yet made the gigantic shift that I believe we are in the process of making.

I would like to suggest we start concentrating our minds on what we want in our lives, individually and collectively. To practice this regularly, leading up to the time of the new millennium, and culminating in twenty four hours, from midnight GMT l999, in groups all over the planet, praying, meditating, imagining, attuning collectively and aligning with spiritual energy - then I feel very sure we can shift the collective consciousness into a totally new dimension of life that is creative, intelligent, harmonious and in balance with the natural world and universal spiritual energies. Let us pray to the highest spiritual being we are connected to, asking for the highest vibration of spiritual energy to be present, and start practicing NOW, for any great task is an art form, and any art takes much practice, learning, familiarity and skill to become an art form; so we need to get started.

By setting our intent, we set a process in motion, and in diligently continuing, reminding ourselves of our highest purpose every day, we are moving on a path towards success and completion. So I suggest taking a quiet time each day to reflect and contemplate what you wish to bring into being, what your heart's greatest wishes are, what you wish for all humanity.

What greater work can there be? What is the highest aim we can conceive of in being human? How can we bring our love and our compassion safely and openly into our world, so we live through our hearts, not rule through our heads? How can we create trust within and around ourselves, so that trust and openness and friendliness is the norm in our world?

- no-one can enslave or repress the mind.
If you have been conditioned to the point where you do not believe you can take control and have power in your life to live life as you would truly wish to from your heart and soul, then open your eyes and look around you. See how deeply wounded people have healed and transformed themselves; look at what happened in Poland, in South Africa. Who would have believed the Berlin Wall would come down, or that governments of countries like Canada and Australia would be apologizing to the first peoples in those lands for the inhumane and abusive perpetration's done to them by invaders and colonists?

These are extraordinary times and we have extraordinary opportunity, in our hands, right now. The tools available are spiritual, and as we have been spiritually awakening from our long anesthesia, so the hidden esoteric teachings, heavily guarded through the centuries, have become available. The indigenous peoples of this planet, who have retained their traditions of balance and harmony and union with the spiritual world, are sharing their knowledge with those who wish to learn. This in itself is an act of incredible generosity.

The only way we can save our planet and make people, all beings, and our environment our top priority, is by sharing our truth and our spiritual knowledge and by living in our truth and our intuition, and by coming into balance, internally and externally.

This is a tremendous goal, with enormous potential. Join or create groups of like-minded people. To meditate and pray in groups is very powerful. Pass your ideas around, start this momentum in your circle. By talking about heart things, you find others open up and share their heart, and circles widen and widen. There are no leaders in this work, it is powerful individuals acting together from their heart. And if you don't feel powerful now, you will. This is not about power over, but power with, empowering ourselves and others. This is truly a shift in how power has manifested in the past to control, manipulate, enslave. The time is past for that, and we can each individually make that change for ourselves and for others; embodying love, compassion, imagination, creativity, flexibility, generosity.

By invoking qualities, stating we want them in our lives,
and asking the spiritual realm to aid and support us, they come.


Continue the journey to:
Affirmations for World Peace

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